영화로영어공부26 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 26. Kitty: But… I have a secret, too. I sent the letters. LJ: I'm gonna kill you. 근데... 나도 비밀있어. 내가 그 편지들 보냈어. 널 죽일거야. Kitty: You were so lonely and I could tell Peter liked you. I knew you wouldn't do anything about it. 언닌 너무 외로웠고 난 Peter가 언니 좋아하는거 같았어. 언닌 아무것도 안했을거잖아. can tell = 알 수 있다 Kitty: I thought five chances at a boyfriend was better odds! I miss having him over for dinner. 남친 사귀는데 5번의 기회가 더.. 2020. 3. 10. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 25. Josh: I didn't know she was home yet. Margot가 아직 집에 있는지 몰랐어. LJ: Yeah, she finished her exams early. It was a surprise. 시험 일찍 끝났데. 깜짝 놀래켜 주려고 왔어. Kitty: Women! Dad: Tell me about it. 여자들이란! 내말이. Tell me about it = 내말이(그 말이야), 그러게 말이다 *주로 좋지 않은 상황에 공감할 때 사용합니다. Margot: Well… You're completely covered up and we only see your back. If you hadn't been tagged, it could be anybody. 음... 넌 완전히 가려져 있고 등밖.. 2020. 3. 9. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 24. Kitty: Tell us about Scotland. Margot: Okay. Well, even when it's freezing out, Scottish girls still wear super short shorts and high heels when we go out to bars and stuff. 스코트랜드는 어때? 밖이 아무리 추워도, 술마시러 가거나 뭐 그럴 때 스코트랜드 여자애들은 완전 짧은 반바지에 하이힐 신고 나가. freezing = (날씨가)추운, 영하의 shorts = 반바지 Kitty: Are you going to invite Josh over for dinner? Margot: Why don't we make it a girls' night? Josh도 저녁 식사에 초대할.. 2020. 3. 8. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 23. Hey, I'm tired. Can I use you as a pillow? 나 피곤해. 어깨 좀 빌려줄래? I just wanted to say I think it's really big of you for being so understanding about my friendship with Peter. 난 네가 Peter와 내 우정을 너무 잘 이해해줘서 너가 참 관대하다고 생각해. big of ~ = ~가 관대한 understanding = 이해심이 좋은 Oh, I just mean… a lot of girls would be pretty weirded out by their boyfriend sleeping in someone else's room, but you're so trusting... I.. 2020. 3. 7. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 7 다음