영어회화6 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 24. Kitty: Tell us about Scotland. Margot: Okay. Well, even when it's freezing out, Scottish girls still wear super short shorts and high heels when we go out to bars and stuff. 스코트랜드는 어때? 밖이 아무리 추워도, 술마시러 가거나 뭐 그럴 때 스코트랜드 여자애들은 완전 짧은 반바지에 하이힐 신고 나가. freezing = (날씨가)추운, 영하의 shorts = 반바지 Kitty: Are you going to invite Josh over for dinner? Margot: Why don't we make it a girls' night? Josh도 저녁 식사에 초대할.. 2020. 3. 8. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 23. Hey, I'm tired. Can I use you as a pillow? 나 피곤해. 어깨 좀 빌려줄래? I just wanted to say I think it's really big of you for being so understanding about my friendship with Peter. 난 네가 Peter와 내 우정을 너무 잘 이해해줘서 너가 참 관대하다고 생각해. big of ~ = ~가 관대한 understanding = 이해심이 좋은 Oh, I just mean… a lot of girls would be pretty weirded out by their boyfriend sleeping in someone else's room, but you're so trusting... I.. 2020. 3. 7. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 19. Remind me again why we have to eat these subs under the bleachers? 왜 서브웨이를 벤치 아래서 먹어야 해? subs = 서브웨이 샌드위치 bleachers = 옥외 관람석, 외야석 벤치, Dude, we can't have these contraband subway cups out in the open! Don't want the powers-that-be catching on to my lunchtime truancy vibes. P.S. that sub is tight, right? 학교에서 서브웨이 먹으면 안되니깐 그렇지. 학교에서 내가 점심시간에 무단 이탈한 걸 알게 하고 싶지 않아. 게다가 서브웨이 샌드위치는 맛있잖아, 그치? contraban.. 2020. 2. 29. 내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 (To All The Boys i've Loved Before) 13. I was used to being invisible, but now, people were looking at me, talking about me. 난 투명인간처럼 사는게 익숙했다, 하지만 이젠, 사람들이 나를 쳐다보고, 나에 대해 이야기한다. be used to = ~에 익숙하다 invisible = 보이지 않는, 눈에 잘 띄지 않는 It's weird and somewhat off putting to be congratulated on doing nothing more than accepting a note and having an ass pocket for someone to stick their hand into, but I guess that's where my life has taken m.. 2020. 2. 14. 이전 1 2 다음